wings poster

Our flag-ship wellbeing program for educators in the early years
As you will soon discover, this educational journey is far more than a professional development program. It is an opportunity to grow your practice toward social and emotional wellbeing, benefiting the children in your care as well as purposefully providing an opportunity for you to discover your own sense of self and wellbeing as an educator.
Wings does not just teach you 'what you will do with children'.
Rather, it will pose to you the question 'how will I be with children?'
Wings to Fly is a well-researched, evidenced-based
program exploring concepts including:

Program delivery
Completing Wings to fly will contribute 12 hours of NESA Registered PD addressing the standard 4.1.2 from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers toward maintaining Proficient Teacher Accreditation in NSW, Queensland and Victoria.
face-to-face training
Wings to Fly manual and workbook
Wings Resources website and support
PD completion certificate
"It was very enlightening and backed by research. It has given me so much direction and a sense of grounding in my practice." Kate G

"I learnt how to approach children's behaviour in a more open and calming way. I wish I had these skills right from when my own children were born." Lisa M

"It completely changes the way you talk, think and act." Taylor B

"A fantastic course that empowers staff to make a change, to be positive and to have the framework to support children." Jen W
Together, we will move step by step through the program gaining valuable insight toward a new way of thinking, a new way of doing and most importantly, a new way of being.

  • Shows you how to deal with anxiety in children including separation anxiety for toddlers
  • Social emotional development through resilience training
  • Promotes social development in early childhood as well as building resilience in children
As a program, Wings is designed to support early years educators to optimise their pedagogical practice in order to enhance overall outcomes for children.
Successful outcomes
Evidence based research
  • Positive outcomes for children
  • Distinct reduction in staff stress
  • Increase in educators capacity to undertake job specific demands
Dr Jennifer Cartmel
Griffith University

Professional development courses for early childhood teachers

Jan 2014
Director of Education and Leaning, Debbie Miller, establishes initial research,
concept and program delivery of the Wings to Fly program
Feb 2015
Research trial conducted by Dr Jennifer Cartmel from Griffith University
in five early learning centres and kindergartens
Jun 2015
After exceptional results from trials, Wings
program delivery begins in Brisbane, Melbourne,
Sydney and throughout Queensland
Sep 2015
The first 'Wings Facilitator' training session is launched in Brisbane
Aug 2016
Wings to Fly receives approval as an evidence based
program from the Federal Government Australian Institute
of Family Studies
May 2017
Entered into a Venture Philanthropy partnership with Social Ventures Australia
to expand delivery of the Wings to Fly program throughout Queensland
July 2017
The successful launch of our support
website 'Wings Resources'
Face-to-face delivery
Inquire now to see places and dates
Large groups - we can come to you.

Every conversation helps.
Please share our website with your family, friends and work colleagues.

See what we're up to on Facebook including all updates and extra resources.

Pathways to Resilience Trust
Wings to Fly
Contact us