Resilience programs and resilience training

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“Just as no two trees are alike, no two pathways walk the same.”
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Our programs

As you will see, our methods offer a unique way of balancing theory and practice.
Our resilience programs have been developed by our highly skilled team of educators and other professionals based on their work over a number of years in schools and community settings. The SEL programs are well researched with themes of resilience and wellbeing that are both grounding and empowering.

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Wings to Fly
(12 hour Program delivered to educators of children ages 0 to 5)

Our flag-ship program is an SEL evidence-based resilience program
for educators in the early years.
Wings is designed to support educators to optimise their pedagogical practice in order to enhance overall outcomes for children.

Wings to Fly - Brisbane (Inala)
Tuesday 11, 18 and 25 June

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Kaleidoscope of Colour
(12 hour program delivered to educators of lower primary - grades P to 3)

Kaleidoscope of Colour is a new strengths-based approach to social and emotional wellbeing for children in the lower primary classroom. As a program, Kaleidoscope is designed to support educators to optimise their pedagogical practice in order to enhance overall outcomes for children.

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Journey to the Island of Calm
(12 hour program delivered to educators of upper primary - grades 4 to 6)

Journey to the Island of Calm is a social and emotional wellbeing and resilience program for children in the upper primary classroom.
It explicitly teaches skills and knowledge to build self-awareness, positive relationships, emotional resilience and the ability to approach challenges with focus, adaptability and persistence.

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Neuroscience for Educators
(2 hour seminar delivered to educators and families)

The aim of this seminar is to give educators an overview of how our understanding of neuroscience impacts social, emotional and academic learning in the classroom. We'll help you understand the implications neuroscience has for educators and parents, especially in the areas of social and emotional learning.

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Introducing Your Brain
(2 hour delivery to educators)
(30 minute delivery to grades P-3 and 45 minute delivery to grades 4-6)

Research has demonstrated that teaching students about how their brain works (in particular, that the brain is plastic and can develop new capacities with effort and practice) makes a big difference in how constructively children deal with mistakes and setbacks and how motivated they are to persist until they achieve mastery.

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Mindfulness for Wellbeing
(2 hour workshop delivered to educators and families)

The power of thought is central in creating our experience of life. In this introduction, we explore both the nature of mind and thought. In order to build our wellbeing we need to become more aware of our negative thinking patterns and understand how these patterns cause us to experience challenges.

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Building Resilience in Families
(2 hour workshop delivered to educators and families)

A family's ability to negotiate their journey and keep going depends on the skills they are working on along the way. Some are internal skills we can build and develop, whilst others external, which encompass the relationships in children's lives. This seminar will enhance your understanding of the importance of interactions, connectedness and relationships in assisting children to build resilience.

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Looking Beyond Behaviour
(2 hour workshop delivered early years educators)

Looking Beyond Behaviour explores the underlying message in children's behaviour and the impact of our expectations and beliefs upon our responses and strategies. All children need a sense of connectedness, however some need to be taught the tools.

"If there is anything that we wish to change in the child, we should first examine it and see whether it is not something that could better be changed in ourselves."
Carl Jung

Looking Beyond Behaviour is available as a two hour in-person training program or online.

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Self Care
(2 hour workshop delivered to adults)

Have you ever found yourself heavy with thoughts like, 'I am just keeping my head above water' and daydreaming about escaping it all to live on a remote island in the sun? Too often we find ourselves fatigued at the end of the week with no time to recover.

Our intention is to support children in developing positivity to thrive, not just survive. It must start with us as their role models first.

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Pathways to Resilience Trust
Wings to Fly
resilient woman 2 Our programs

Through developing social and emotional learning and resilience skills in children, young people and families we aim to prevent anxiety, depression and youth suicide. We use a strengths based approach which is underpinned by neuroscience, mindfulness and positive psychology.

Each of our programs are developmentally appropriate, with programs available for use in childcare and early learning settings for children 0-5 years, early primary, upper primary and into high school. Each program builds on the one before it so children can consistently have core social and emotional wellbeing skills reinforced.

The programs have been designed so that once trained the facilitators can easily integrate them into their classrooms or community centres. Each program comes with a Facilitator Guide, lesson plans, extra downloadable resources and activity books for participants.

Close this box and scroll down to find out more about our programs.

Kaleidoscope book coverKaleidoscope of Colour

The training will challenge you to re-think and re-evaluate your approach to educating in the early years through a process of critical reflection. You will be encouraged to seek out and identify the strengths and capabilities of the children in your care. The Program will teach you how to make children aware of these strengths and capabilities through increasing knowledge of strategies to guide, and impact upon children's self-awareness. This skill will in turn enhance the ability of children to build capacity to understand their own feelings which underpins the development of empathy. Children then engage with others and act upon opportunities to participate in the program with a growing sense of agency and wellbeing.

Training Modules include:

Are you interested in this program? Please click the [Contact us now] button to send us your enquiry.

Wings to Fly book coverWings to Fly

Wings to Fly is an essential professional development program for all early years educators (0 to 5 years). Its up-to-date research and unique delivery have proven positive effects for both the educator and the children in their care.

The program builds upon educators capacity and strategies by developing a greater understanding of ways to build relationships that support children's resilience and wellbeing.

Pathways to Resilience is endorsed to provide NESA Registered Professional Development for teachers accredited at the Proficient Teacher Level.

NESA logoCompleting Wings to Fly will contribute 12 hours of NESA Registered PD addressing the standard 4.1.2 from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Proficient Teacher Accreditation in NSW, Queensland and Victoria.

Wings to Fly can be delivered via our trained facilitators at your centre (within Australia).

If you have already completed the Wings program, click the [Wings Resources] button to access the resources.

Are you interested in this program? Please click the [More information] button to find our more about Wings.

Neuroscience for Educators

This introduction session to Neuroscience for educators and parents provides an understanding of how students' brains actually work - and by using that knowledge, positively influence classroom education.

The program will help you understand the implications neuroscience has for educators, especially in the area of social and emotional learning and will also identify a number of 'neuro friendly' principles to help kids build 'better' brains.

Neuroscience for Educators (delivered in your school or centre by our trained facilitators) should ideally be run in conjunction with Brain Talks for Kids. Please see the brochure for more details.

The program is now also available for educators and parents online.

Others have said...

This workshop gave me a better understanding and will help me in my role as an education and employment facilitator. - Joshua S, Brisbane

It is so important to understand how the brain works. I recommend this session to all parents and teachers. - Peti, Logan

Great tools and strategies that can work across most age levels, presented in a fun and interactive way. - Nicole W, Brisbane

Everyone needs to know these concepts. - Ashley B, Brisbane

I would recommend this training to others - it was a real eye opener. - Jamie G, Brisbane

Are you interested in this program? Please click the [Contact us now] button to send us your enquiry.

Introducing Your BrainIntroducing Your Brain

Invite us to come to you and introduce students to their 'hardware' (the brain) and 'software' (the mind). We'll show that understanding how the brain works can help in cultivating happiness and wellbeing along with emotional regulation and self-regulation.

Brain Talks for Kids should ideally be run in conjunction with the new workshop; Introduction to Neuroscience for Educators. Please see the brochure for more details.

Please print the brochure or contact us to find out more.

Are you interested in this program? Please click the [Contact us now] button to send us your enquiry.

Mindfulness for wellbeingMindfulness for Wellbeing

Mindfulness gives us the ability to stay calm and present, to gently and wisely transform our difficult experiences into understanding.

The workshop aims to introduce participants to the concepts of mindfulness, look at the benefits of mindfulness and to explore how it might be introduced into everyday life. It can also be tailored specifically for educators to bring wellbeing into the classroom. Both seminars run for 90 minutes.

Are you interested in this program? Please click the [Contact us now] button to send us your enquiry.

Building resilience in familiesBuilding Resilience in Families

The outcomes for families include:
  • Understanding the importance of interactions, connectedness and relationships in assisting children to develop resilience.
  • Learning how to talk to children when overwhelmed with emotion to stay connected.
  • Being a family with helpful thinking.

Give us a call to see how this 2 hour workshop can be delivered to the families in your care.

Are you interested in this program? Please click the [Contact us now] button to send us your enquiry.

looking beyond behaviourLooking Beyond Behaviour

If every parent and every educator knew why and how to look beyond the behaviour of children, it would open the door to reveal the strengths that can be built upon.

This workshop includes:
  • Our beliefs regarding behaviour and children - why do we want children to behave?
  • The motivation or message underlying behaviour
  • Supporting children's self-esteem in our interactions
  • Intrinsic vs extrinsic motivation to behave
  • Encouraging considerate behaviour and empathy
  • Accepting the emotions not the behaviour
  • The importance of relationships and respect
  • Children's need for belonging and connectedness

Are you interested in this program? Please click the [Contact us now] button to send us your enquiry.

Journey to the Island of CalmJourney to the Island of Calm

The Journey to the Island of Calm program brings to life a story in which the students, as the Captains of Their Own Lives, embark on a journey from the Captain's Academy to the Island of Calm. As they sail, they explore fictional locations and meet fictional characters, including figures from mythology. At each of the twelve stages of the journey, social and emotional skills are taught through the activities and challenges the Captains must face. The metaphor of a journey is used to illustrate the way we can face challenges, and survive stronger and more knowledgeable, then go on to share our experiences.

The program is delivered over 13 x 45 minute sessions. Throughout the program, students explore the key idea that when their mind and body are calm, they can direct their attention wherever they want it to go, listen to themselves and others, and choose how they want to be in the world. In other words, they can be the Captain of Their Own Lives. Following the Introductory Lesson, the twelve core lessons explore this by asking students to:
1. Direct their attention to their mind and listen to their self-talk so they can engage fully in experiences, gain skills and knowledge and choose to be optimistic, even in the face of challenges (Lessons 1-3).
2. Direct their attention to their body and listen to what it is communicating so they can name their emotions and calm themselves when an unpleasant emotion starts to grow bigger (Lessons 4-6).
3. Direct their attention to their heart and listen to what makes them happy so they can use their strengths, create positive memories and act with kindness to themselves and others (Lessons 7-9).
4. Direct their attention to the people around them and listen to them so they can build friendships and work together to achieve their goals (Lessons 10-12).

Resources for the program include a Facilitator Manual and Lesson Plans, Teacher Resources, 4 Classroom Posters and Captain's Logbooks for student reflections.

Are you interested in this program? Please click the [Contact us now] button to send us your enquiry.

self-careAn Introduction to Self Care
"Self-care is selfish in the same way breathing is - it literally exists to keep you alive." Buki Sihlongonyane

This interactive workshop explores how stress impacts brain function. Reflective tools are used to bring into awareness the messages of the body and the impact of our thoughts and emotions on our wellbeing.

When we can debunk the 'self-care is selfish' myth we open up to being able to use powerful tools to improve wellbeing, such as the practice of self-compassion and gratitude.

Participants step through a number of processes, creative and cognitive, to experience the ability to change the way we think, feel and respond, increasing our capacity to regulate during stressful and overwhelming experiences.

With the offer of practical short and long-term strategies in self-care, participants are able to work with a new grounded and connected way of being for both themselves and their classrooms.

Are you interested in this program? Please click the [Contact us now] button to send us your enquiry.
