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“Just as no two trees are alike, no two pathways walk the same.”
resilient woman 1
resilient woman 1 background
How will I be?

In times of need, I seek guidance along the pathways to resilience.

unhappy boy unhappy boy background
happy girl happy girl background

Why don't I have any friends? I try to be happy but it's really hard.
How will I be when I grow up?

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As a Child

I love playing with my friends and I feel happy when I'm trying really hard.
I wonder how I will be when I grow up?

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unhappy teenage girl unhappy teenage girl background
happy teenage boy happy teenage boy background

What is life all about? I don't feel like I have any purpose.
How will I ever be in this world?

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As a Teenager

I'm all about life. I'm exploring my options and purpose.
How will I be in this world?

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unhappy parents unhappy parents background
happy parents happy parents

How am I going to do this? I don't know anything about raising a family.
How will I be as a parent?

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As a Parent

I'm going to enjoy this. I can learn to raise a family.
How will I be as a parent?

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unhappy educator unhappy educator background
happy educator happy educator background

Why are the children not listening to me? Don't they know I'm the teacher?
How will I be as an educator?

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As an Educator

I listen for the children's needs because I am the teacher.
How will I be as an educator?

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Every conversation helps.
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Pathways to Resilience Trust
Wings to Fly
Young boyMy name is Alex Mortimer. I was born in Buderim hospital and I'm 4 years old and a bit. My brother Harrison is stronger than me, but he said I can punch really hard. When my daddy comes home we wrestle and it's fun but sometimes it hurts and it makes me cry. My mummy says stop playing silly games then. I miss my daddy when he works away."

It's important to keep an eye out for signs of distress that may include:
Some of these signs may be related to growth and development however, if there is any concern that any of the above symptoms are escalating, please seek advice from a professional. Pathways to Resilience provide emotional resilience training for parents and educators that reduce anxiety and distress.

Click here for more information on Early Childhood Professional Development or here to help you choose the best Social and Emotional Learning Programs.

You can also visit our for more information on our flagship SEL early childhood program, Wings to Fly.

Young girl "I'm Kassandra and we live on a farm. I love chasing bubbles and playing with my friends at kindy. I have a dog called Jessie and she tries to talk to me and it sounds funny. Ms Jane at kindy said we can have a pet day and I will put a bow on Jessie's head."

Signs of resilience:
Our new Wings to Fly program is a strengths-based approach to social and emotional wellbeing for children from birth to five years. As an emotional resilience training program delivered in-person or online, Wings is designed to support educators to optimise their practice in order to enhance overall outcomes and promote emotional resilience in children.

Click here for more information on Early Childhood Professional Development or here to help you choose the best Social and Emotional Learning Programs.

You can also visit our for more information on our flagship SEL early childhood program, Wings to Fly.

Teenager sad "Mum and dad never listen to my side of the story. Nobody believes me. I thought moving to a new place would be a good change but I was wrong, it sucks. My room is smaller and now I have to share a bathroom with my sister. I don't see my friends anymore and the people around here aren't worth knowing. Sometimes when I'm alone, crying doesn't seem to be enough."

Signs of anxiety and depression can include;
If you notice any escalating symptoms in yourself or others, please go to our contact page for details of who you can contact. Pathways training centre run social and emotional wellbeing programs that can be delivered in class at most schools or online.

Teenager happy "Me and my mates get together on Thursday evenings to play indoor cricket. Our team is actually doing pretty well seeing none of us have played much before. I've always enjoyed watching the one-dayers especially when Michael Clarke was captain, I think he's a great role model."

Signs of coping can include;
Pathways to Resilience training centre provides social and emotional programs for upper primary students (ages 9 to 11) to help develop coping skills prior to their step into the teenage years. Emotional resilience training is essential when exploring pathways to change. Please see our Programs page for more details.

Parent unhappy "I couldn't believe the hospital sent us home after just two days. Jackson is our first child and we've really got no idea what we're doing. I don't think Darren is coping very well - he's been coming home from work pretty grumpy and he says it's because he's not getting proper sleep, but what about me? I'm up every three hours!"

It's estimated that over 40 percent of people will experience a mental health condition in their lifetime with anxiety disorders being the most common, followed by depression. You can learn to control anxiety and depression through lifestyle changes, exercise and self-help strategies (for mild conditions) however you may need support through psychological or medical treatment (for moderate to server conditions).

Please see our Programs page to see how Pathways to Resilience training centre can help you explore pathways to change.

parent happy "What a special time in our lives. We're so grateful Noah is finally here. My mum and dad are over the moon and have been visiting every day trying to pinch as many cuddles as they can. Our midwife suggested playing some soft, rhythmic music during pregnancy and the birth and I think it has really made a difference to help Noah settle now when he's upset."

Life for any family includes ups and downs, challenges and unexpected twists and turns in the road. There are certain skills and strategies that have been identified as important for the development of resilience. In our program 'Building Resilience in Families' we'll show you how to draw upon these skills and build successful strategies to bounce back after challenging times.

educator unhappy "I became a teacher because I thought I could make a difference in children's lives and I have always been pretty good with kids. But what I have come to realise is that it's all politics and paperwork. I spend the whole time in class telling children to behave. I think I've lost my passion and it feels like I'm just turning up to a job every day."

Sadly we hear the same story from too many educators. Thankfully, there are things we can do to turn it around. Our programs offer a unique balance of neuroscience and mindfulness allowing educators to develop skills that provide the foundations for resilience and wellbeing.

educator happy "My class this year came from a teacher that new her stuff. I noticed in the children's transition statements she provided there was a strong focus on developing social and emotional skills as part of her everyday practice. This has made all the difference in the world. The children seem to be connected, settled and eager to learn. Where do I get the SEL program to keep this going?"

It's our belief (which is actually backed up by research) that social and emotional learning skills can be developed right from birth. Our Wings to Fly program is for early years educators from birth to five years and has proven to have had positive outcomes not just for children but even more so for the educator themselves.


Webinar: An Introduction to Self Care
11/07/2019 3:30 pm

Pathways to Resilience presents An Introduction to Self Care.

Where did my ‘care’ go? What is really happening when we manage to grab a few minutes in the lunch room and dream about living on a remote island somewhere in the sun? Too often we find ourselves fatigued at the end of the week with no time to recover. Our hope is to support children to thrive, not just survive, and it must start with us as their leaders first.

Workshop Outcomes

Interactive workshops will explore how stress impacts the function of the brain and nervous system, how to build reflection into daily practice and a tool kit of skills and strategies.

Once you purchase a ticket you will receive a link to the webinar. If you cannot attend the webinar for whatever reason, you will have time-limited access to a recording.

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