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Organisational Theory of Change improves community organisations and projects

Organisational Theory of Change improves community organisations and projects

Any organisation, particularly a community based organisation with projects designed to improve outcomes for children, teenagers, parents and educators needs a solid foundation in order to succeed in its goals. Unlike a house, community based organisations can't rely on building that foundation and simply setting and forgetting and getting on with business. Sustained success in any societal focused organisation requires a culture of continuous improvement. Human beings aren't a static commodity, scientific boundaries in the understanding of neurological functions are being constantly pushed and it is the organisations that stay ahead of the curve that provide the best outcomes for their clients.

Back to school tips for parents
Back to school

Back to school tips for parents

Adjusting to the back to school routine can take just as much time, if not more, for parents as it does children and teachers. It is perfectly normal for parents to find themselves stressed about the new schedule, organising school supplies, separation from their children, preparing their child emotionally and all of this on top of possible work stressors and everyday life. It's okay to feel overwhelmed with the juggling act, and you're certainly not alone. Just know that with a little bit of planning and a few resilience building techniques you are capable of managing the stress and the transition into a new year for you and your child.

5 back to work tips for educators
Back to work

5 back to work tips for educators

The thought of going back to work can be just as stressful for new and returning educators as it is for the children they will be teaching. The holidays are an important time for educators to de-stress, reflect and begin to plan for the upcoming year ahead. For many educators it is a period of time to learn and develop ways to improve in the upcoming year. For new educators it can be a time to be excited to utilise recently learned skills and put their theoretical plans into practice. Many have completed social and emotional learning evidence based programs designed to enhance their skills to improve overall outcomes for their children. These programs build upon educators capacity and strategies by developing a greater understanding of ways to build relationships that support children's resilience and wellbeing.

How to make your child's transition to Primary School easier
Two children dipping hands in pond

How to make your child's transition to Primary School easier

It's almost that time of year again. As per usual, the holidays have flown by and it's only 2 weeks until Primary Schools around the country are bustling with children, teachers and parents. For many it is an exciting time, but while the unknowns of starting school can be fun for some children, for others it can be a daunting experience. It can be easy to forget that for a child, starting school means being thrown into the deep end of a new and foreign environment. Schooling is about much more than academic grades (although that in itself is stressful enough). A large portion of Primary School learning involves children learning to establish meaningful connections and relationships with their peers and where they begin to form views of their own about the world and how it works.

4 tips to prepare for your toddler's first day in Daycare
A child's hand in a person's hand

4 tips to prepare for your toddler's first day in Daycare

Your toddler's first morning of Daycare marks a significant transitionary period for your family. The first day of daycare is going to be a mix of emotions for everyone involved. For mum and dad there may be the anxiousness of wondering about every possibility of their child's day. Will they be ok? Did I pack the right lunch? I better not be late. Separation anxiety and extreme emotions can be experienced by children on their first days without their parents too. It's not uncommon to see multiple crying children (and parents) at the front doors of daycares and pre-schools across the world. For the educators the first day can stir up butterflies and anxious thoughts as well. They may be starting in a new role or new location and it is perfectly natural to feel nervous on the first day going back to anything.

5 tips for remaining resilient these holidays
Happy family sitting together

5 tips for remaining resilient these holidays

For the fortunate, the Christmas and New Year holidays are a time of celebration, festivity and quality time with family.

But for many, the holidays are a time of loneliness, anxiety and stress. Traditionally a time of companionship, the Christmas holidays can bring up painful memories and add social pressure to already struggling families. Stress reduces our ability to connect with others empathically; consequently, we may be around our family and friends, without forming any meaningful connections. You may be with your entire extended family yet still feel isolated and lonely.

Enter 2019 with a Growth Mindset
Lady meditating

Enter 2019 with a Growth Mindset

As we say goodbye to 2018 and move into a new year, many people are casting an eye to what 2019 will bring and setting goals (or New Year resolutions) for what they want to achieve. Most people know that making goals SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-bound) is instrumental in giving yourself the best chance to achieve them, but what if a change to your own mindset could boost your chances even further? Have you ever wondered why some people give up when challenged while others thrive under the same circumstances? Why some regard effort as essential for success while others regard it as a weakness? Renowned psychologist and Stanford Professor, Carol Dweck studied these questions, the main contributor? Mindset.

4 ways neuroscience is Empowering Youth to Thrive
Empowering Youth to Thrive

4 ways neuroscience is Empowering Youth to Thrive

Almost half of today's youth experience a lack of confidence in themselves every or most days. Despite a desire to, nearly the same percentage (44%) does not know how to develop more confidence. For Aboriginal, Torres Straight Island and Indigenous Pacific peoples, self-confidence is intricately linked to self-esteem which in turn greatly influences motivation to improve one's performance. This affects how "many Aboriginal children think, talk and behave" in mainstream educational settings and can lead to a cycle of disengagement, often only because they are hesitant to showcase their abilities in public for fear of making a mistake.

4 tips to help Educators improve their time management skills
1 2 3 4 written in a register

4 tips to help Educators improve their time management skills

Effective time management is an essential skill for any successful educator. On a daily basis early childhood educators face a multitude of time pressures. Time management is about taking control of your available time before it takes control of you.
Educators must remain focused on meeting children's educational needs in between dealing with non-teaching administrative tasks, maintaining the philosophy of the centre and mediating issues arising with parents.

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Pathways to Resilience Trust
Wings to Fly